Service Accounts

LogSail supports service accounts for 3rd party API access.

Creating a Service Account

Good to know: Service accounts are identical to user accounts and the only difference is how the account is used. Service accounts require the sharing of username and passwords with the 3rd party service being integrated with. Read and write access can be explicitly assigned to service accounts to manage how data is being accessed or manipulated on the platform.

Registering a Service Account

Log out of the LogSail console if not already and navigate to the create account view: Create Account

Similar to creating a user account, a service account is done by stepping through the account creation view. A valid email for the service account is required. If this email address cannot be verified similar to user accounts contact LogSail Support to override the verification step.

Adding the Service Account to a Group

Once the service account has been created log back into an owner or administrator account and add the new service account to the desired groups.

Once the access role is specified, the service account can start making API requests within the group tenancy. Accessing the API requires a refresh_token and access_token which can be obtained by requesting a set from the authentication API. These steps are documented in the next section.

Last updated